I’ll step down 10 hours from 35 to 25 weekly hours starting 10th of September 2018. This is to support my wifes reentry to her job.
My 3 kids still need plenty of time from us parents and I am grateful to have the opportunity to spend more time with them soon, while supporting my wife with reentry into working life. Luckily working as a project manager brings along an incredible amount of flexibility. My current projects will run out soon, so everything will be different after that anyway. The amount, type and size of projects brings along different requirement of effort by the project manager. Accordingly I have no doubt at all about fulfilling the needs of my job even in parttime. However I am grateful to have an employer to make this possible for me.
For sure, this will be an experiment for me, which I haven’t ever experienced before. However I am convinced to do the right thing, since this phase of life seems to be extremely intense and partly brought me and my family to our limits. I experienced, that having three children is a fulltime job itself for us. At the same time I expericenced, that it is very valuable for me to have a second job apart from the family. This is what we are aiming to accomplish for both of us by this step. Apart from that, I am looking forward to have more opportunity for passing on and implementing my values and believes while guiding my kids during their first, so decisive years of life. Not at last, I am convinced my kids will bring up so much more for me to learn and develop, that I could never learn with any other activity. Eagerly looking forward.
If any of you have experience with parttime work or would like to share experiences, I’d appreciate any comments below this blog (also published on LinkedIn for those, who prefer to comment there).